Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard

Harvard Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University

Workshops and Panels

Sociotechnical Imaginaries: Cross-National Comparisons
14-15 November 2008
Harvard University

This two-day workshop at Harvard provided a chance for STS researchers to dedicated significant effort to developing sociotechnical imaginaries as a concept.

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Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Politics of Science and Technology: Cross-Cultural Comparisons
29 October 2009
4S Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA

In 2009, many of the researchers involved with the NSF project reconvened at the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting held in Washington, DC. In this panel session, four papers were given that covered a broad range of topics: technoscientific imaginaries in Austria; Anglo-Chinese imaginaries in relation to agricultural biotechnology; embryo research and imagined public reason; and how an imaginaries lens might shed new light on the role of science and technology in South Korean national development. You may read the abstracts below, as well as slides from the discussant’s remarks.

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Innovation in STS: Method and Scale in Sociotechnical Imaginaries
27 August 2010
4S Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan

In 2010, There was another reconvening of many researchers that the 4S Annual Meeting, this time in Tokyo. Over two panel sessions, some ideas from the previous years were re-worked and further developed, and new angles on sociotechincal imaginaries were outlined. You may read the abstracts below.

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