Program on Science, Technology and Society at HarvardHarvard Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University |
About this SiteThis research platform is in many ways a product of collective imagination channeled through the Program on Science, Technology and Society at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. It came about in the first instance through discussions among project team members working at Harvard under NSF Award No. SES-072413: “Sociotechnical Imaginaries and Science and Technology Policy: A Cross-National Comparison.” A 2010 meeting of members of the Science and Democracy Network at the London School of Economics, co-hosted by Tim Forsyth and the Harvard STS Program, helped flesh out ideas for the site’s architecture and content. Major contributions to the content were made by Sam Evans, Will Firestone, Ben Hurlbut, Sang-Hyung Kim, and Lee Vinsel. Sheila Jasanoff was responsible for the overall concept and for editorial oversight. Shana Rabinowich provided invaluable administrative support. Alex Wellerstein designed the site, with notable assistance from Sam Evans. The images on the top bar are, from left-to-right: |