Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard

Harvard Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University

Spring 2024

January 26, 2024

Jan. 29:
Jules Gill-Peterson (Johns Hopkins, History)
Who Really Invented Gender? Transvestites and the Psychologization of Class

Feb. 5:
Spencer Doyle (Harvard STS and Physics)
Maintaining the Atom: US Nuclear Energy Policy 70 Years After “Atoms for Peace”

Feb. 12:
Paul Thomas Clarke (Harvard, Anthropology)
Risk is the Life Source: Labor and Working-class Consciousness in Johannesburg’s Security Industry

Feb. 26:
David S. Jones (Harvard Medical School/History of Science)
The Health Effects of Air Pollution: The Harvard Six Cities Study as a Generator of Surprises

Mar. 4:
Jacquelene Mwangi (Harvard Law School)
Techno-colonialism vs. Techno-utopianism in Historical Perspective

Mar. 18:
Jason Furman (HKS and Economics)
Economists Can’t Predict the Future, But Can They Agree on the Past?

Mar. 25:
Alexander Rewegan (MIT, HASTS)
Settler Environmentality and the Making of a Post-Prohibition Drug Terroir

Apr. 1:
Swarnabh Ghosh (Harvard STS and Architecture)
Infrastructuration: Colonial Irrigation and the Spacetime of Fossil Capitalism

Apr. 8:
Timothy Loh (MIT, HASTS)
Not Modern Enough: Lexical Anxieties over Jordanian Sign Language

Apr. 15:
Natalie Ngai (Boston College, Communication)
Mediated Animal-human Relations

Apr. 22:
Abigail Coplin (Vassar, Sociology and STS)
Biopolitical Entanglements: The Political Economy and Nationalist Imaginaries of China’s Genetic Data Troves