Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard

Harvard Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University
Alberto Aparicio

Alberto Aparicio

alberto_aparicio (at)

Alberto Aparicio is a postdoctoral research fellow for the Global Observatory for Genome Editing (https://global-observatory.orgat the Program on Science, Technology & Society at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. His research interests include the governance of biotechnology and societal responses to shifting meanings and attitudes about life in contemporary bioscience, as well as the framing and social relevance of technoscience. In his previous research project at Instituto Alexander von Humboldt (Colombia), he examined the role of the value of biodiversity in imagining and shaping Colombian bioeconomy policy. Alberto completed his PhD at the Department of Science and Technology Studies of University College London in 2019, where he studied the construction of safety in synthetic biology by scientists as responsible governance.

Note: The above information concerns a past fellow at the Program on Science, Technology, and Society at the Harvard Kennedy School. It does not constituent evidence of current enrollment. The information may be out of date. To update their information, past fellows should e-mail the site administrator.