Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard

Harvard Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University
Nicole Sintetos

Nicole Sintetos

nicole_sintetos (at)

Nicole Sintetos is a Ph.D candidate in American Studies at Brown University, where she is also an affiliate at the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society (IBES). Her dissertation, “Reclamation: Race, Labor, and the Mapping of Settler States” is a long durée environmental history of Tule Lake Segregation Center. Over the course of five chapters spanning chronologically from the 1873 Modoc War to the passage of the Environmental Protection Act in 1970, the dissertation reads global processes through the space of the local in order to make legible the entanglements of race, labor, and settler colonial technologies that formed in the wake of shifting Bureau of Reclamation policies. Her teaching and research sit at the intersection of Relational Ethnic Studies, Critical Geography, Science, Technology and Society Studies, and Environmental History. In 2021, she will serve as the co-PI alongside Erin Aoyama of an NPS-funded digital humanities initiative, the Japanese American MemoryscapeProject.

Note: The above information concerns a past fellow at the Program on Science, Technology, and Society at the Harvard Kennedy School. It does not constituent evidence of current enrollment. The information may be out of date. To update their information, past fellows should e-mail the site administrator.