Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard

Harvard Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University
Samuel Taylor-Alexander

Samuel Taylor-Alexander

email: samuel.taylor-alexander (at)

Samuel Taylor-Alexander is a  teaching fellow at the University of Auckland. He received his PhD in Anthropology Program from Australian National University in 2012. His research takes as a case study the politics and governance of plastic surgery practice in Mexico in order to tease out contemporary transformations in citizenship, medical science, and ethics. His dissertation is based on one year of ethnographic research conducted mostly in Mexico City.

Through his analysis of the politics and governance of plastic surgery practice, Samuel’s PhD projects aimed to understand the ways in which policy changes made as part of Mexico’s modernizing agenda have afforded value to particular kinds of knowledge production and knowledge based practice, and how this is transforming the ways in which people interact with the Mexican state. While a fellow at the STS program, Samuel wrote about the ongoing effort to carry out face transplant surgery in Mexico, the regulation of clinical research and the problems encountered when trying to turn clinical knowledge into scientific knowledge, and the relationship between standardisation and rationalisation and changing modes of citizenship in Mexico as it relates to reconstructive surgery.

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