August 30, 2016
Sep. 12:
Elise K. Burton (Middle Eastern Studies & History)
Accidents of Geography: Creating Genetic Cartographies of the Middle East
Accidents of Geography: Creating Genetic Cartographies of the Middle East
Sep. 19:
Jeremy Baskin (University of Melbourne, Political Science)
The Competing Imaginaries of Solar Geoengineering
The Competing Imaginaries of Solar Geoengineering
Sep. 26:
Phil Brown (Northeastern University, University Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Health Sciences)
Post-Belmont Research Ethics: Reporting Personal Exposure Data to Participants
Post-Belmont Research Ethics: Reporting Personal Exposure Data to Participants
Oct. 3:
Christopher Lawrence (Harvard, STS)
Normalization by Other Means: The Failed Techno-Diplomacy of Light Water Reactor Export to North Korea
Normalization by Other Means: The Failed Techno-Diplomacy of Light Water Reactor Export to North Korea
Oct. 17:
Rachel Douglas-Jones (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Governance by Committee: Stem Cell Research Oversight and Deliberation in the USA
Governance by Committee: Stem Cell Research Oversight and Deliberation in the USA
Oct. 24:
Scott Frickel (Brown, Sociology)
'Three Scientists Walk into a Barricade…' Expert mobilization in Two Boston-area Social Movements
'Three Scientists Walk into a Barricade…' Expert mobilization in Two Boston-area Social Movements
Oct. 31:
Sunil Amrith (Harvard, History)
Coastal South Asia and the Technologies of Risk
Coastal South Asia and the Technologies of Risk
Nov. 7:
Laura Martin (Harvard, HUCE)
Radiation and Restoration: The Politics of Ecological Care
Radiation and Restoration: The Politics of Ecological Care
Nov. 14:
Bettina Stoetzer (MIT, Global Studies and Languages)
Ruderal Ecologies: Re-Thinking Urban Infrastructure in a World of Rubble
Ruderal Ecologies: Re-Thinking Urban Infrastructure in a World of Rubble
Nov. 21:
Gökçe Gunel (Columbia University, Anthropology)
Spaceship in the Desert: Energy, Climate Change and Urban Design in Abu Dhabi
Spaceship in the Desert: Energy, Climate Change and Urban Design in Abu Dhabi
Nov. 28:
Jay D. Aronson (Carnegie Mellon, History)
The Promise and Peril of Human Rights Technology
The Promise and Peril of Human Rights Technology