Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard

Harvard Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University

Fall 2024

September 3, 2024

Sep. 9:
Joshua Freedman (U. Penn., Political Science)
Polarized Expertise: How Competing Views of Science Shaped Taiwan's Pandemic Response
Note: CGIS South S354

Sep. 16:
Raha Peyravi (MIT, HASTS)
"Being Where The Traffic Is": Algorithmic Work and Economic Behavior in the Lightning Network

Sep. 23:
Sharad Goel (HKS, Policy)
Unpacking Empirical Tests of Discrimination

Sep. 30:
Susan Greenhalgh (Harvard, Anthropology)
Soda Science: Making the World Safe for Coca-Cola

Oct. 7:
Pariroo Rattan (Harvard STS)
The Moral Politics of the E-conomy in India: Digitization, Populism and Informal Workers

Oct. 21:
Nick Couldry (London School of Economics)
Orders of Capture: How a Decolonial Framework Helps Understand Big Data, Large-Scale AI, and Social Media

Oct. 28:
Vatsal Naresh (Harvard, Social Studies)
The Social Psychology of Lynchings in Majoritarian India

Nov. 4:
Warigia Bowman (U. New Mexico, Law)
Technocrats or Autocrats: Information Technology for Development in Uganda and Kenya

Nov. 18:
Alessandro Blasimme (ETH Zurich, Bioethics)
Unfolding Life, Remaking Orders: Stem Cell Models and the Politics of Embryonic Life

Nov. 25:
Bulelani Jili (Harvard, Anthropology & African Studies)
Modernity's Tardiness in Africa

Dec. 2:
Hilton Simmet (Harvard STS)
Fixing Economics for Good: How Economists Use Science to Solve Social Problems