January 3, 2012
Jan. 23:
Catherine Bliss (Brown University, Africana and STS)
Race Decoded: The Genomic Fight for Social Justice
Race Decoded: The Genomic Fight for Social Justice
Jan. 30:
Irus Braverman (SUNY Buffalo Law School)
The Nature of Zoos: Captive Animal Networks in North America
The Nature of Zoos: Captive Animal Networks in North America
Feb. 6:
Conevery Valencius (University of Massachusetts Boston, History)
Historians and Earthquakes in the Central United States: Making the Past Clear when the Future Isn't
Historians and Earthquakes in the Central United States: Making the Past Clear when the Future Isn't
Feb. 13:
Jonathan Kahn (Hamline University, School of Law)
Not Fade Away: Race and the Politics of the Meantime in Biotech Patenting and Drug Development
Not Fade Away: Race and the Politics of the Meantime in Biotech Patenting and Drug Development
Feb. 27:
Jessica Wang (University of British Columbia, History)
Physics, Emotion, and the Scientific Self in the Nuclear Age: Merle Tuve's Cold War
Physics, Emotion, and the Scientific Self in the Nuclear Age: Merle Tuve's Cold War
Mar. 5:
Clapperton Mavhunga (MIT, STS)
Why is the 'Social,' Not 'Technology,' the Central Subject in African(ist) History?
Why is the 'Social,' Not 'Technology,' the Central Subject in African(ist) History?
Mar. 19:
Sergio Sismondo (Queen’s University, Philosophy)
Pharma's Key Opinion Leaders: Valuing Conflicts of Interest and Independence
Pharma's Key Opinion Leaders: Valuing Conflicts of Interest and Independence
Mar. 26:
Judy Wajcman (LSE, Sociology)
Life in the Fast Lane? Towards a Sociology of Technology and Time
Life in the Fast Lane? Towards a Sociology of Technology and Time
Apr. 2:
Stephen Hilgartner (Cornell University, STS)
Dis·en·closing Science
Dis·en·closing Science
Apr. 9:
Gregg Mitman (University of Wisconsin, History of Science)
Documenting the World: Film, Photography, and the Scientific Record
Documenting the World: Film, Photography, and the Scientific Record
Apr. 16:
Christine Leuenberger (Cornell University, STS)
Politics of Maps in Israel
Politics of Maps in Israel
Apr. 23:
Maggie Curnutte (Harvard, STS)
I Consume, Therefore I Am: The Construction of the Genetic Citizen in the United States
I Consume, Therefore I Am: The Construction of the Genetic Citizen in the United States