Program on Science, Technology and Society at Harvard

Harvard Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University
Jacob Moses

Jacob Moses

Harvard University
jacobmoses (at)

Jacob D. Moses is a PhD candidate in the History of Science at Harvard University and Graduate Research Fellow with the Harvard STS Program. He specializes in issues of ethics, society, and governance concerning biomedicine and emerging biotechnologies.He is currently working on the National Science Foundation project, “Life in the Gray Zone: Governance of New Biology in Europe, South Korea, and the United States.” He is currently developing a comparative research project examining cultures of moral and affective responsibility within post-WWII biomedical practices and institutions.

Prior to beginning his doctoral work, Jacob worked for six years at The Hastings Center, an independent research institution dedicated to the study of foundational ethical issues in the areas of health, medicine, and the environment as they affect individuals, communities, and societies. At Hastings, he contributed to over a dozen grant-funded research programs on topics ranging from synthetic biology to pandemic influenza preparedness, and developed educational outreach tools to promote ethical reflection among students, healthcare practitioners, and wider publics.

He holds an A.B. from Vassar College, where he graduated with honors in STS.

Selected Publications

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